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Artist Development:
Our talented and experienced staff continually evaluates our artists and helps them evolve and grow as entertainers, musicians, and artists. We provide image consulting, vocal coaching, and stage conditioning, as well as any other help needed to ensure proficiency and showmanship.

Talent Management:
From booking to logistics, our artists are carefully matched with venues, and their schedules are carefully coordinated to ensure maximum efficiency and a great show!

From snippet demos to full-length albums, our experienced engineer has worked with everything from local bands to multiple Grammy artists, and records our artists in our state-of-the-art recording facility.

Live Production:
From the lighting right down to the drum riser, our talented set designers can build a stage for one show or a national tour. We build the PA, design the light show, and plot the stage to make our artists shine like a gem in whatever venue they perform.

Stage Crew:
In addition to an attractive set, every band needs a production crew to ensure a smooth and efficient show. We hire and train custom production crews for each of our artists, including Front-of-House Manager, Stage Manager, Lighting Director, and Backline Techs.